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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Gaming Multi Monitor Style
peter   2004-10-01 11:33
I have 3 screens hooked upto my computer. I want to play a game on the center and have other apps on the other 2. But every time I click on lets say a webpage the game minimizes. Is there an easy way to stop the game from minimizing.

Seahorse   2004-10-01 22:28
Alt tab?

Dead-Fish.Com Soft Deep sea Daddies...
Preacha   2004-10-08 00:48
Got a similar Situation here and no clue on how to fix it.

Aslso it bothers me that the Game always starts on the left CRT and not on the one in the middle.

any hints?

THX in advance
Seahorse   2004-10-08 03:17
Doh, if they are nVidia based, just ensure that the centre monitor is No1 using the nView options...

Dead-Fish, deep sea Daddies...
Preacha   2004-10-11 09:27
THX, fixed it.

Another Question:
I just started "Vietcong" and selected 2560x1024 - worked fine!
But, how can I manage to play on all 3 Monitors?
I can only set 2 Displays in a "overspanned mode", the third is only added like a "NV-Dualview"-Display, what means that I can expand Windows over all 3 Displays but the Wallpaper for example is only spanned over 2 Displays, the third shows the same Wallpaer like a "compressed Clone". Not easy to discribe in broken english ;)
I mean, in the Display Properties the Displays are shown like this: [2][1a][1b]
What I want have is [1a][1b][1c]...

Im using a GF6800 (for 1a and 1b) and a GF-FX5200 PCI (for 2).

THX for your HELP
Maniac   2004-10-13 13:57
don't believe it's possible, there's plenty of threads on here... check em out..
Preacha   2004-10-14 04:15

Thank you anyway.

Do I really have to buy a damned DX7 Parhelia?
Seahorse   2004-10-14 05:50
It is possible, I have seen it with my own eyes!

I would have a look at the info at the Matrox Site, plenty of it works just fine with nVidia setups.

There is some (oldish) info here.

Oh, Toms has some stuff too

Dead-Fish.Com Soft Deep sea Daddies...
Preacha   2004-10-14 06:57
thank you for these links.
Maniac   2004-10-14 08:21
those are all for 2 monitors setups on nvidia, not 3
Preacha   2004-10-14 09:40
Seahorse   2004-10-15 03:36
Er, no. The Matrox site is aimed at Parhelias using 3 monitors and the PQ one was up to 5 I think...

Dead-Fish, deep sea Daddies...
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Gaming Multi Monitor Style

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