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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> trying to figure out Flight Sim multiple monitor issue...
Kim   2004-10-01 16:44
So, after hours of research online and after going to five different stores, I FINALLY, as a surprise for my husband, got an additional monitor hooked up for him to use with Flight Sim (he has both Flight Sim 2002 Pro and Flight Sim 2004).

But now I am trying to test it out and make sure another view can show--and everytime I "undock" a window, I can move it to the second monitor, but then I can't get another view to stay/open in the first monitor. I know what my husband would really want is to have two separate views--to perhaps have the first monitor show the cockpit view, and the second monitor to show the outside view (or even the side view from the cockpit).

What am I doing wrong? Do I need to update drivers or something for the video card? The computer was purchased just a few months ago.
I really want to get this working right, so any help is greatly appreciated.

Thanks so much!
Barton   2004-10-07 01:55

I have THE answer to your question as I am a FS2004 fanatic as you can see here!

I am working on putting together a tutorial on how to do this with screen shots. I'll try to have it finished toady. Stay tuned!

Barton   2004-10-07 08:28

I got it finished. Sorry for the fuzzyiness. Once I had the images created, I had to shrink them a little so they wouldn't be so big (file size). The first image tells you to press the left bracket key ( [ ) to open the spotter window once you are in the window mode.

Let me know if this helps.

mac   2004-11-25 08:34
fantastic i have been trying to do this for ages!!
Many thanks.
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> trying to figure out Flight Sim multiple monitor issue...

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