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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Why are dual display backgrounds blurry?
shalvin   2004-10-03 12:04
I have finally set up a dual display and I use Ultramon to manage it. However when I downloaded several dual display backgrounds and installed them they end up looking blurry. I'm usin the same resolution on both monitors. One is a CRT the other is a LCD. any idea's anyone?
ECarlson   2004-10-03 14:26
Is the background image the same resolution as your display combo? I've never experienced blurry backgrounds. Make sure you aren't trying to fit a mis-sized image to your screens. Check to make sure Stretch mode is not turned on for background images.

- Eric,
shalvin   2004-10-03 15:34
Thanks for the reply. Actually I do have the strech mode enabled, otherwise I won't be able to see the image across both monitors. these images are 3200 X 1200. My monitors are both set to 1280 X 1024.
ECarlson   2004-10-04 09:08
Sounds like you either need to get an image that is the same total size of your screens (2560x1024), which should be easy enough to find or make, or use a photo editor (like IrfanView) to crop the image you have to that size.

You could also use the photo editor to resize the image, and hopefully it will do a better job than Windows, but the other options will look better.

- Eric,
ECarlson   2004-10-04 09:10
Or if you have an NVidia card, you can use NView to select separate images for each monitor.

- Eric,
shalvin   2004-10-04 11:02
Thanks for your help, I'll give that a try
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Why are dual display backgrounds blurry?

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