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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> just installed PCI card in dualhead AGP system
Gareth   2004-10-04 10:52
Hey there,

I have a dualhead Matrox G450 AGP card in my PC that was running two 17" monitors. I bought an old Matrox Millenium II PCI card the other day and just put it in my PC. I now have one monitor running off the AGP card and one off the PCI card... however, when I look in display properties there's no 3rd monitor? How do I enable the 3rd monitor? Am I missing something here.


Gareth   2004-10-05 10:51
Ignore this question...

I hadn't actually plugged the monitor into the card, it worked a charm when I did that :P

Forums -> Multiple monitors -> just installed PCI card in dualhead AGP system

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