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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Which video card fits for me
Florante   2004-10-04 12:05
Im no IT peronnel.But recently I am given the task to make our production area to have double monitor.Heres my problem.
I am face with using either a double head video card or just add another video card to our PCs.
Which of the two options works better?
If I just add another video card, will I choose AGP or PCI? My PCs are all IBM netvesta with either Win2K or WinXp OS.
Which of the two opstion is cost effective?

Thank you very much!
ECarlson   2004-10-05 12:31
What types of monitors do you plan to use, and at shat resolution. Also, what apps do you plan to run?

Assuming these computers already have AGP video cards, and assuming you are only needing to run 2D business or video apps, and maybe a little bit of 3D, my personal preference would be to put in new NVidia based dual-output video cards. If you don't need dual-DVI for dual digital LCD screens, then you can get cards for around $50-80 each (Dual-DVI are a bit more). You might also need an $8 DVI-VGA adapter if the card doesn't come with and you are running two analog monitors.

Take a look at what has.

- Eric,
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Which video card fits for me

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