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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> on-board video plus secondary adapter?
ErnieB   2004-10-06 00:41
Is it possible to add an AGP (or PCI) video card and still use the on-board video for the primary display (Win XPP)? I remember I once saw a MS knowledgebase article on the subject, listing perhaps 10 video cards suitable for this arrangement.
I can't find this article anymore and the computer shop assured me it wouldn't work because the on-board video would be switched off.
The computer is an HP D530C, purpose is large desktop area, no games.

Who can help?
Barton   2004-10-07 02:12

Of all the multiple-monitor systems I have helped build and troubleshoot, over 50 to date, I have NEVER been able to use the on-board video in conjunction with an AGP card because the on-board port is switched off when the AGP card is installed. I have had 1 (one) work with a PCI card and the on-board video and that was very unstable.

The best bet is to buy a dual-head AGP card.
ECarlson   2004-10-07 11:10
Yes, you most likely need a PCI card (not AGP) to use along with the onboard video. I've done that. You can set whichever you want as primary once in Windows, but you might need to set the PCI as primary for boot, depending on the PCI card. But I suggest simply getting an inexpensive AGP card with dual outputs since you are going to put in a new card anyway, and that way you have no worries about compatibility, and you won't have any PCI performance issues.

- Eric,
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> on-board video plus secondary adapter?

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