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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Playing games on a 2 monitor setup
andu   2004-10-10 05:56
Whenever I try to run a game, the primary monitor displays it without a hitch, but the secondary monitor gets kind of screwed up. I usually have mIRC open and the mIRC screen shifts half a screen to the right, meaning half of it's window falls out of the picture.

Is this a common problem and, more importantly, can it be solved?

I use Ultramon 2.5 and a GF4 Ti4600 with DualView enabled.
Seahorse   2004-10-10 07:45
I have not managed to solve this and to my knowledge, pretty much all Detonators/Forceware drivers do it.

My workaround is to have the windows on screen 2 on the far right of monitor 2 when gaming...

Dead-Fish, deep sea Daddies...
Fred   2004-10-23 00:54
Its the resolution in the game that "screws" your other monitor up. Set the resolution in the game the same as the desctop and it will work fine. Or play in windowed mode.
Seahorse   2004-10-23 04:49
You have obviously never played Warblade...

Dead-Fish.Com Deep sea Daddies...
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Playing games on a 2 monitor setup

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