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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Serious Multi Monitor Setup Problems
James West   2004-10-14 19:45

I have installed 6 dual head graphics cards in my machine, together with the onboard AGP dual head car i am trying to run a total of 12 interconnected 1600x1200 displays but when ULTRAMON starts it gives me the message "UltraMon Critical Error : Ultramon only supports up to 10 monitors - please upgrade to UltraMon Pro, contact realtimesoft for details at"

WHAT IS THIS ABOUT? I have JUST purchased this fucking software and now this piece of hurendous steaming load of shite won't work and i have to upgrade to a PRO VERSION ???

Also i read in the forum that this contains SPYWARE of course this was AFTER I DOWNLOADED AND PAID FOR IT!

Please get back to me ASAP.
I would also like you to phone me if possible.

James West.
West & Young Associates.

James West.
West & Young Associates.
James West   2004-10-14 19:47
I meant to say during my enraged fury that it was actually 14 interconnected monitors not 12.
THe problem still remains that it's requesting a PRO upgrade.

I have not yet received a response from you on this issue.

James West.
West & Young Associates.
James West   2004-10-14 19:58
West & Yound Associates

Contact me now please.. this is urgent.

James West.
West & Young Associates.
Seahorse   2004-10-15 03:35
You did RTFM...?

Dead-Fish, deep sea Daddies...
James West   2004-10-15 04:43
What do you think you anus head?

James West.
West & Young Associates.
Christian Studer   2004-10-15 07:38
Where did you download the software?

There is no pro version of UltraMon, the standard version of UltraMon does support more than 10 monitors.

The only authorized download site for UltraMon is

Version 2.5 of UltraMon and later are digitally signed, you can check the digital signature by right-clicking the .msi file, then select Properties from the menu and take a look at the Digital Signatures tab.

The signer should be 'Realtime Soft Studer', and when clicking on Details it should say 'This digital signature is OK'.

Christian Studer -
Seahorse   2004-10-16 01:21
What do you think you anus head?

James West.
West & Young Associates.

I think you didn't you chopper...

Dead-Fish.Com Soft Deep sea Daddies...
Barton   2004-10-16 13:21
I'm curious to know what a "hurendous steaming load of shite" is. Not sure what "West & Young" associates are professing to be, but if the ability to spell correctly is required, they're sure to be out of business soon. To post a flaming message on a board like this indicates a complete lack of education, manners and a licensed copy of Microsoft Word. They must have gotten they're G.E.D. from K-Mart.

Christian, I applaud your ability to remain calm during this jerk’s tirade. I would have told him to get screwed.

James, take a pill!
James West   2004-10-16 20:52
I got my initial trial version on Kazaa and then paid for it here just the other day.

If there's no pro version then why is it saying to upgrade to the pro version?

As for the comments about my education - i am a graduate of oxford so stick that up your fat ass you stupid little man!

If my error message does not get sorted soon then i am going to request a full refund from realtimesoft.

I CANNOT BELIEVE that i log on here requesting support and get called a jerk - this is completely outrageous!

James West.
West & Young Associates.
James West   2004-10-16 21:00
Also, though i was not initially willing to mention but i was involved in a highspeed car accident 6 months ago which left me with partial brain damage so i would appreciate comments about me called jerk and comments about my spelling to be left asside if you have any decency.


James West.
West & Young Associates.
Christian Studer   2004-10-17 01:58
To fix the problem, just uninstall the software you downloaded from Kazaa, then download UltraMon from this website and install it.

Christian Studer -
Barton   2004-10-17 02:22
This is hysterical! Now it's brain damage that is the excuse for the inability to spell correctly. It must also be the reason for continued use of profanity.

Frankly, you either paid too much for your "Oxford" education, or you’re a liar. I'd guess it was the latter. Claiming to be "Oxford" educated, and then to write comments like these, is a slap in the face to every person who has graduated from that fine institution.

As far as the comment "stick it up your fat ass you little man," all I can do is laugh. It is truly the mark of a little man when they resort to profanity and hostility to make a point. How pathetic. You then say "i would appreciate comments about me called jerk and comments about my spelling to be left asside if you have any decency." You are kidding, right? You want to spout off they way you see fit, use profanity and threaten physical violence, but you ask for compassion and decency? UNBELIEVEABLE!

I do apologize for the jerk reference and am sorry if it offended you. I will choose more appropriate words to describe you in the future. For now, I choose “idiot.” I’m sure that will not be appropriate in the future so I’ll change my description of you as I deem necessary.

Please keep these posts coming...I enjoy a good laugh in the morning. I also look forward to sharing your posts and comments with my colleagues.

Barton   2004-10-17 02:23

A small piece of advice for you. If your records do indicate this "idiot" did indeed pay for a licensed copy of your software, I would immediately refund his money. This is the type of customer you do not need or want.

Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Serious Multi Monitor Setup Problems

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