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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Video problems with TFT/CRT Combo
kyojin   2004-10-15 04:34

I have a 17" TFT as my primary, and a 17" CRT as secondary, and a very long VGA cable, so the CRT can be somewhere more convenient for watching movies etc in bed. The TFT is hooked to an ATi 9500Pro DVI out, and the CRT is hooked to the VGA out.

however, i cannot get decent video playback with the CRT set to secondary, its jerky as hell. i have tried setting the screens to the same resolution, setting them to different resolutions, even tried using a PCI Voodoo3 for the CRT, you name it. Hardware acceleration set to both full and none.

the playback is fine on the CRT if i set the CRT to primary, even on the TFT (Secondary) but swapping the primary monitor every time i want to watch a movie is not really ideal; sometimes someone else might want to watch a movie while i am working/gaming (invariably gaming, i have no willpower) and i need primary on the TFT for this.

does anyone have any brilliant suggestions? will ultramon fix this, and if not, can it be made to? might be a useful feature as more and more people are using their PCs for movies etc. i think it is something to do with the refresh rate.

i'm using Cat 4.7 for the ATi, AmigaSport 3.0 for the Voodoo, and Media player classic for the video.

Any help would be hugely appreciated.
kyojin   2004-10-15 04:56
my apologies it was just my poor video player. VLC works perfectly.

I am stupid, and will sit quietly and think about what i have done.
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Video problems with TFT/CRT Combo

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