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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> How Jeff Bigger Got Nvidea 3 Monitor Surround Gaming To Work
j.bigger   2004-10-16 01:16
This message is in reply to an e-mail I recieved asking how I got it working. Since so many people are asking here, I descided to create a page detailing (with pictures) how I did it.

Hope it is usefull to someone.

Jeff Bigger
Seahorse   2004-10-16 01:19
Thanks Jeff. ANy chance of a valid link...?

Dead-Fish.Com Soft Deep sea Daddies...
j.bigger   2004-10-16 01:20
link doesn't seem to work, put this into your address bar

Jeff Bigger
Seahorse   2004-10-17 03:26
Excellent, it does!

My attempt at a link for Jeff's page...

Dead-Fish.Com Soft Deep sea Daddies...
ECarlson   2004-10-17 12:18
Jeff: Thanks for posting the info on the web. It would be a lot easier to read if the font wasn't so dark.

- Eric,
Maniac   2004-10-17 16:28
Dang, I betcha mine won't work cuz of the new drivers, and I can't use old drivers because I have a 5950ultra, soon to be a 6800gt... oh well. Good thing I was able to return that PCI vidcard.
Kyle   2004-10-18 01:16
Thanks for the update. I will try this when I get home and post whether or not it worked for me. :D Hopefully it will.
j.bigger   2004-10-18 07:49
Sorry about the ikky colors on the page,I used a pre-existing page to save time.
The guy who e-mailed me said his is working with Quake 3 areana but having trouble with Call of Duty.

If anyone see's anything I missed, or has other questions I'll check back here periodically and add to the page or answer accordingly.


Jeff Bigger
j.bigger   2004-10-18 08:19
I just checked the site..
Does the font seem too dark to the rest of you?
seemed easy to read to me.
Should I change the colors?

Jeff Bigger
odie   2004-10-19 04:47
The fonts are fine and so is the info.
Thanks Jeff!
ECarlson   2004-10-19 12:03
I had to select the text to highlight it so it would be easier to read, but as long as everyone else is happy, that's fine with me.

I tried looking at the page in IE 6 and in Mozilla 1.7.3, which is what I usually use, just to make sure it wasn't a problem with the page in Mozilla, but the font is just as dark in both browsers.

- Eric,
Seahorse   2004-11-02 05:18
jeff, the PCI 5200 turned up today. From left to right, they are organised as Monitors 3, 1 & 2 respectively. 3 on the PCI, 1 & 2 on the GF4400.

I got Doom 3 initially running on all 3, but when I cut all 3 monitors from 1280x1024 to 800x600 to match the game - 3 didn't work.

I'm curious as to how your 3 are connected.

Windows etc works fine. I'm using 66.81s Dual View on 1 & 2, nView is blanked out on 5200...

Dead-Fish.Com Deep sea Daddies...
j.bigger   2004-11-02 08:15
ok. I'll take screenshots of my display properties and add them to the page.
it will take a few minutes.

Jeff Bigger
j.bigger   2004-11-02 08:46
Done, Hope it helps
Jeff Bigger

Jeff Bigger
j.bigger   2004-11-02 09:37
Thanks to Seahorse.
Update: added Doom3 pix.

Jeff Bigger
ECarlson   2004-11-02 11:33
Thanks for posting additional info. BTW: Did you spell NVidia wrong on purpose?

- Eric,
Seahorse   2004-11-03 06:36
Damn - I get the gret screen on the PCI driven monitor regardles whether screen 1 or 2 is connected to it. Tempted to re-install graphics drivers. Irritating thing it that i worked first time apart from all 3 monitors being at 1280 & game at 800...

Dead-Fish.Com Deep sea Daddies...
Seahorse   2004-11-03 06:58
Oh, switching primary grapics between AGP & PCI in bios doesn't help. The window that Doom 3 appears in is grey on the PCI monitor regardless...

Dead-Fish.Com Deep sea Daddies...
j.bigger   2004-11-03 08:08
Sorry, spelling errors corrected.

As for "tempted to re-install drivers"
What version of drivers?

I got a gray screen on one monitor when I updated drivers from the original drivers that came with my fx 5200 card. so I went back to the 4.4.03 drivers and everything worked fine again.

As I stated on the page, I believe drivers are probably most peoples problem. I would focus on trying older versions.

I would make 4.4.03 available for download but I dont know how.

My 2 cents.....

Jeff Bigger
ECarlson   2004-11-03 13:08
44.0.3 is available right in the NVidia web site driver archive.

- Eric,
Seahorse   2004-11-04 06:23

Way to modern maybe LOL

Dead-Fish.Com Deep sea Daddies...
Seahorse   2004-11-13 03:31
No change with the 44.03s...:(

Dead-Fish.Com Deep sea Daddies...
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> How Jeff Bigger Got Nvidea 3 Monitor Surround Gaming To Work

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