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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> HELP - How to clone display using 2 video cards
Ludeless   2004-10-17 10:15

I'm setting up a computer as a HTPC, and am trying a 2 monitor setup. Actually, 1 monitor is the Projector, and the other is a LCD monitor. I would like to be able to clone the desktop on both displays, using 2 different video cards.

The reason for this is i would like to be able to use the pc witout using the projector. I first tried doing this through windows xp, but had many problems. I could not get a clone mode working...only a stretched desktop.

My current setup is:
ATI All in Wonder 9800 pro (AGP) -> Video Projector
ATI Rage (PCI) card -> Dell LCD

Is there a way to do this using ultramon, or any other method?

Thanks for the help!
Ludeless   2004-10-17 10:48
I tried a couple other things with the bios. Maybe this will help give some indication of whats happening. I am running a Dell 400sc.

when bios is set to AGP as primary (not the default setting):
boots on AGP logo, xp logon.
pci card has 'error code 10, device can not start'. Monitor connected to pci card does not work at all.

When bios is set to 'Automatic' for primary video:
dell logo and win xp logo are on pci card,
win xp logon screen is on agp card
boots with both monitors after logon...start menu is only on AGP card monitor

hope this helps...
ECarlson   2004-10-17 12:23
I think UltraMon has a feature to mirror across 2 video cards, but if the video is overlaid, I don't think mirroring works. You might be able to replace your video cards with a single NVidia card, then you might have better luck with mirroring, since the NVidia cards have a mirroring option: though I still don't know if it works with overlays.

- Eric,
Ludeless   2004-10-18 07:22
Thanks for the advice Eric. Forgive me if this is a stupid question, but what do you mean by video overlay?

Is this an option that can be turned on/off somehow to get things to work?

i didn't notice a clone option in Ultramon, but I am failrly new to this program so may have overlooked it. Any suggestions where i could find this option?

ECarlson   2004-10-19 11:56
Video overlay is a faster way for video to be displayed on your monitor(s). Sometimes you can turn the overlay feature off, but performance will be slower, but might still be acceptable. I don't have UltraMon, so I don't know where to change its clone settings.

- Eric,
David Newbould   2004-12-16 19:56
Can anyone clarify if this is possible? (2 video card adapters, 2 displays, cloned with MultiMon?)

Best Regards,
Dennis   2005-01-14 00:33
Just get an RGB splitter
ECarlson   2005-01-14 14:13
In a recent MicroCenter flyer, I saw that they had a VGA Y-adapter for a few dollars that might work for getting the exact same display on 2 monitors.

- Eric,
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> HELP - How to clone display using 2 video cards

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