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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Issues with GeForce 3 Ti500
jtkauff   2004-10-25 07:07
I'm in the process of trying to set up multiple monitors on my system (1.9gHz P4, WinXP) but I've run into issues. Currently I'm working with just one video card: the GeForce 3 Ti500, using a Dell 19" CRT monitor (my original monitor) and an Envision 17" CRT (the new one) via a DVI-VGA adapter. I get display on both monitors, but Windows won't detect the second monitor (with both monitors connected, won't auto-detect, won't install manually, though if I disconnect the Dell monitor, the Envision installs fine), so I can only mirror. Looking through the FAQ here, am I reading correctly that I'll need a second video card instead of running both monitors from the Ti500? Or is there something that I'm not doing correctly?

Thanks in advance,
ECarlson   2004-10-25 13:14
I've heard that the GF3 can't run dual independent monitors like many GF4's (and some GF2's) can, so you'll either need a newer card, or a second (PCI) card.

- Eric,
jtkauff   2004-10-25 19:06
I had a feeling that was going to be the answer... Not quite sure why they took that out of the GF2s - it isn't like the Ti500 was a cheap card, after all.

Oh well. Looks like I'll be on the lookout for a cheap PCI-based card for monitor #2.

Thanks for the quick reply!

Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Issues with GeForce 3 Ti500

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