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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> DualHead for mon 1 and 3
Tim H.   2004-10-26 09:29
I have a PCIExpress x800 and a PCI nVIDIA Quadro2 MXR/EX Dual Head (which is in another PC). I know that there is a good chance that I'll be able to get three monitors going in question is, how easy will it be to set up the dual head to be the two outside monitors and the x800 to be the middle? I'd like advice/info before I go through the trouble of going through the scavange and install process.
Thanks for any insight!!!!

ECarlson   2004-10-26 12:11
If the cards work together (seems to be a big IF recently), it would be very simple to do what you want.

- Eric,
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> DualHead for mon 1 and 3

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