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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Tripple monitor setup, 2 pci 1 onboard, help
Kieran   2004-10-27 10:24
Is there any way, i can set up a computer using 3 monitors, using 2 seperate pci cars and 1 onboard. or 3 pci cards. Because i atmepted to have one screen connected to on onboard, and the other to the pci but it did not let me use them both at once, i could make them both run on their own, but not together, is their a way to make this work???? sorry im new to this whole duel screen stuff
ECarlson   2004-10-27 11:12
Sure, there are many ways. You need cards that will work together, including cards that will work as secondary cards.

Some older cards need to be first in BIOS, and hence only one such card can be used in a system: The rest (or all) must be able to be non-primary in BIOS.

There are lots of messages on the topic here. Please browse the forums and FAQ's, and especially search for people using your similar video cards to what you have.

- Eric,
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Tripple monitor setup, 2 pci 1 onboard, help

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