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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> New system, 3 monitors
Shawn   2004-10-29 07:41
Hey guys I just built a pretty nice system, amd 64bit 3500+, 1 gig of corsair xms pc 3200ram, evga geforce 6800 ultra 256mb, 36.7GB WD Raptor 360GD SATA 10K rpm 8MB HD, dvd writer etc... now that you understand what we are working with, could you guys answer me this question...

Will I be able to play games with 3 monitors?
Will it lag if I do not include another pci card of equal value to my agp card (for instance another 6800 just the pci version, or can I go for something a little less expensive) any recommendations on what card?

Honestly I dont fully understand how the technology works yet, my card has 2 dvi connections with adapters so I should be able to run 2 monitors fine, what about the 3rd? From what I understand I need a pci card for the 3rd... will I need anything else? What software?

I appreciate the help.
Shawn   2004-10-29 07:43
if it matters, I plan on using 3 dell fp 17" monitors.
Seahorse   2004-10-30 00:00
People have mixed sucess running games on more than two monitors, though I can confirm it is possible. I have a similar spec system, though I still prefer CRTs, not seen an LCD/TFT that didn't suck at games & movies.

Jeff Bigger has a page with details...

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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> New system, 3 monitors

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