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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> site for dual monitor wallpaper
rb   2004-10-30 09:36
I found some dual monitor wallpapers at
Kyle   2004-11-03 00:00
Now...Find me some good triple monitor 3840 x 1024 monitor wallpapers.
Seahorse   2004-11-03 06:12
Had a look last night, not a great deal at the first sweep...:(

Dead-Fish.Com Deep sea Daddies...
sulla   2004-11-04 03:22
You can also try the "astronomy picture of the day" at

They have not wallpapers, strictly speaking, but a great many exciting VERY LARGE pictures of the universe and the earth in the archive.

You just need a photo-editing progamme, and you can make beautiful wallpapers yourself.

I downloaded a few earth maps as seen from satellites from the NOAA Web-page (linked in the archives) with 8000x2000 pixels. Looks good on my 2 screens, and surely on 3 as well.
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> site for dual monitor wallpaper

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