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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> any screensaver blocks monitor-power-off
sulla   2004-11-02 10:27

I am new to multiple-monitors, just started last week. I've got a Matrox Millennium P650, WinXP-SP2-de.

There is one problem that I encounter: When I USE ANY screensaver (even the built-in Windows open GL-ones), my monitors will not be switched off.

I.e. if I set the screen saver to 1 minute and the power-off to 2 minutes, the computer will NOT turn off the monitors, but if I reverse it, i.e. power off = 1 min. and screensavers =2 min, it will work.

Same with ultramon screen savers.

Anybody any Idea?
Thanx, Wolfgang
ECarlson   2004-11-02 11:39
Mine works fine. Did you try one of the Windows non-open-GL screensavers, like Beziers? That's the one I've been using without problems.

- Eric,
sulla   2004-11-04 03:26
yes, the problem is there even with the Micro$oft "blank screen" screensaver. Upgraded the driver and the P650's BIOS. No change.

I suspect my WinXP installation is "not clean" any more after a considerble amount of running-time, but I won't go for a reinstall just because of this...
ECarlson   2004-11-04 11:51
I've had no problem when using NVidia cards.

- Eric,
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> any screensaver blocks monitor-power-off

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