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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> wondering what multimonitoring will look like with the two cards i am going to buy...
hab   2001-04-19 10:12
On windows 2000 i am going to have a dual screen
first : agp asus v7700 ge force 2 gts
second : pci creative 3d geforce 2 mx
Can anyone tell me if this is not a bad choice for a multi monitoring ?
I tryed to find someone in the database who made the same choice...nobody
Anyway thanks for this helpfull site and for your incoming answers

Christian Studer   2001-04-19 13:20
There are some very similar configs in the database, try these searches:

Search 1
Search 2

Christian Studer
hab   2001-04-19 21:05
thanks for your reply
Weyland   2001-04-27 22:16
As you probably know - you won't have OpenGL support on both monitors, and you won't even be able to start any OGL-apps without using ultramon (or disabling secondary manually)

...I actually am very disappointed by this fact - since the only previuos experience I had was an older DualP2 pooter with a TNT2-U as primary and another TNT as secondary PCI (win2k) - OpenGL worked fine on that one and I believed that would be the same for newer cards too.. geeh, was I wrong.. :(

Shonk   2001-04-29 00:19
that isnt true the newer drivers
atleast in windows 2000 work with opengl with
the first monitor without disableing the second

examples 758+ 1080+
Chris Bennight   2001-04-29 10:10

Yep, I have a GeForce256 DDR and have had a TNT2 M64 and now a Matrox millenium II on the second monitor (win2k SP1) using 11.10 and 12.00 drivers on the Nvidia cards (final drivers for the matrox) and open gl apps work fine on primary monitor with secondary enabled. DirectX will not though - it detects the PCI monitor (Secondary) as the default monitor.

Chris Bennight
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> wondering what multimonitoring will look like with the two cards i am going to buy...

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