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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Triple Monitor Wallpaper
Kyle   2004-11-05 02:25
Can you guys list all good free triple monitor sites. If possible (3840 x 1024) res.
sulla   2004-11-05 03:33
You can also try the "astronomy picture of the day" at

They have not wallpapers, strictly speaking, but a great many exciting VERY LARGE pictures of the universe and the earth in the archive.

You just need a photo-editing progamme, and you can make beautiful wallpapers yourself.

I downloaded a few earth maps as seen from satellites from the NOAA Web-page (linked in the archives) with 8000x2000 pixels. Looks good on my 2 screens, and surely on 3 as well.
Christian Studer   2004-11-05 03:51
Several of the wallpaper sites listed on the links page have 3-monitor wallpapers, for example 9X Media.

Christian Studer -
Seahorse   2004-11-05 04:35
Some of the links are dead. Acidic Designs Very Bad CRC for instance. No point plugging an out of date list...

Dead-Fish.Com Deep sea Daddies...
ECarlson   2004-11-05 10:12
Acidic Designs just needs an updated link -

And the link for "Very Bad CRC" is working now.

- Eric,
Christian Studer   2004-11-06 07:14
The link has been updated.

If you notice a dead link, just send me a mail and I'll update it.

Christian Studer -
Kyle   2004-11-10 10:08
I got all of those at 9x media and Acidic Designs. I also checked out Very Bad CRC and those are all dual monitor which doesnt help me much. There are wallpapers that are listed in the gallery section that I would like to have.
4 monitor This one is 4 monitor but I think shrinking it would still work for me until I get a fourth monitor. And Jeff Biggers setup. I believe its from If someone knows where I could get either of these please tell.
Alan Robertson   2004-11-14 07:19
I'd also be interested in any other sources of triple wallpapers (3840x1024) that folks come across. To date I've only found the 9X Media ones - everything else seems to be dual-only. Although 9X ones are nice it'd be great to get some others for variety! (I still prefer to have one big wallpaper rather than 3 different ones - looks more impressive to visitors amongst other things :D)


Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Triple Monitor Wallpaper

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