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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> New Dell Dimension XPS and Four Monitors
Bill Sims   2004-11-07 09:28
Currently I have dual 256 meg ATI Radeon 9800XTs supporting a dual monitor configuration. No problems.

I'd like to add two more monitors: presumably I need two more cards?

But where will I plug in monitors 3 and 4? There are only two (digital and analog) connections.

I'd really appreciate it if someone could help.


Bill Sims
josh   2004-11-07 11:52
both of those video cards should have 1 analog and 1 digital output EACH. so u can easily have 4 monitors. all you must do is go to your local electronics store and pick up 2 DVI-to-analog adaptors which arent explensive. just ask any employee is u dont know what to get, they should know...
Bill Sims   2004-11-07 12:33
Josh, thanks for your help -- nice to know I don't need additional cards.

Just one more question: into which ports do I plug in the adapters? USBs?

I appreciate your good counsel.

Bill Sims
boxface   2004-11-07 17:05
Bill Sims: When you said dual radeon 800xt's, do you mean a single dual-headed card or do you have 2 cards connected to your system? im presuming you mean you have 1 card. you can buy PCI card which also have dualhead. ebay is a good place to look to buy
Bill Sims   2004-11-07 21:56
OK -- that makes sense. Thanks so much for the help.

Bill Sims
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> New Dell Dimension XPS and Four Monitors

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