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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> ATI AIW 9600 XT Analog + TV Question
Brian   2004-11-17 17:09
I have figured out that with the ATI All-In-Wonder Radeon Series (at least my card) to get full 100% support to watch TV on a TV with EASYLOOK the TV has to be set as the primary display. My question is will this program solve the problem that all my programs want to always open on the TV because its the primary monitor? Also, if this program does allow you to make all programs, dialogs, etc open on the secondary display first, will that be the same for DirectX games and such. My goal is to be able to use my computer normally while having to have my Man monitor set as secondary. Any help would be much appreciated.

P.S. - ATI has the Hydravision program that came installed but it doesn't do the trick. This program looks a lot better but so far i haven't found my answer in the Features Section.
Christian Studer   2004-11-18 02:25
UltraMon doesn't support this directly.

What you can do is set a monitor for an application (shortcuts feature), but dialogs might still be on the primary monitor.

Most games will only run on the primary monitor, there is no way around this.

Christian Studer -
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> ATI AIW 9600 XT Analog + TV Question

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