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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Why don't nvidia driver support OpenGL on each card?
Hoo Well   2004-11-20 17:02
Tow cards:
Geforce Fx 5800 AGP
GeForce4 MX 400 PCI

I installed nvidia 61.77 driver.
OpenGL only can be seen on primary video card.

As FAQ says, Nvidia support OpenGL on every
Nvidia cards.

Seahorse   2004-11-21 02:13
They do, there is obviously something wrong with your setup! If you are only running two monitors, why not run them off the same card...

Dead-Fish.Com Deep sea Daddies...
guodong   2004-11-21 12:12
We had tested to build a multi-monitor system with two Nvidia video cards, one is GeForceFX 5800, the other is GeForce4 MX card. The nstalled Nvidia driver is When the hardware acceleration is enabled on the second card, GeForce4 MX card, any OpenGL application can not work on this GeForce4 MX card.
Our two nvidia video cards, GeForceFX 5800 is AGP, GeForce4 MX is PCI. OpenGL application only work on the GeForceFX 5800 card. When I moved this application to the window supported by GeForce4 MX, it can not work.
Best Wishes!
Hoo Well   2004-11-21 12:57
We need 3 monitors. So PCI video card is neccesary.
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Why don't nvidia driver support OpenGL on each card?

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