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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Multi-monitor combo - LCD and CRT?
AJ   2004-11-23 07:46
Is it possible to have a an LCD and CRT combo?

I want to keep my 21'' CRT monitor for gaming (secondary), and then use an LCD screen for programming/market trading/internet browsing/etc.... (as primary)

One I figure that out, then I have to figure out to install multi-monitor support on my video card (ati 9800xt), hehe
ECarlson   2004-11-23 12:23
Yes, but you'll have to set the CRT output to primary for video games, then switch it back for other apps if you really need it to be primary for the other apps.

- Eric,
AJ   2004-11-23 15:00
i don't "need" it for other apps, but it would seem kinda silly to switch from CRT to LCD (mainly concerned about my eye-health, that's the reason for the switch) for market trading and programming (i'm a futures analyst btw) and then use CRT for everything, lol.

Another question I'm not quite sure on - my video card (ati 9800xt) supports multi-monitors, but I'm confused as to how 2 monitors would use 1 video card? Would my CRT connection go through the video card port, and the LCD connection go through the DVI port on the video card?

Sorry if this is a lame question, but i'm a noob when it comes to this and just starting my research into it.
ECarlson   2004-11-25 11:18
Yes. If your LCD monitor only has a standerd VGA connector, you will need a DVI-I to VGA adapter to be able to connect the VGA cable to the DVI port (unless your card came with the adapter). They are about $8 shipped from

- Eric,
AJ   2004-11-25 12:13
Gotcha, really appreciate the help. :)

I've really been researching these last few days and got a much better understanding of LCDs.

Just so I'm 100% confident I understand you correctly, it's completely possible to have the LCD as primary for my main interests (programming/trading/etc...), and then when I want to play, I can switch the CRT to primary through the drivers or whatnot so the picture is fed to it?

That's probably what I"ll end up doing because I was thinking of getting an LCD that was good for gaming, but, eh, that's almost an oxymoron; looks like i'm best off keeping my CRT for tha tpurpose.
ECarlson   2004-11-26 06:20
Yes, but you might also me able to leave the LCD as secondary, and just run your business apps on the second monitor (You can even drag your task bar to the second monitor). I assume you want to use both monitors at the same time for your business apps, and just want do most of your work on the LCD, so just move your primary app window over to the LCD, and work on it there, and you can have other things open on the CRT for reference, or just to keep an eye on them.

- Eric,
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Multi-monitor combo - LCD and CRT?

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