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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Asus FX5950 and Geforce MX400 problems
Kazuki   2004-11-26 02:39
Well i'm trying run triple setup, but i'm getting alot of conflicts, not sure what the problem is, in device manager the MX400 says i haven't got enough resources to run device, and i've installed latest drivers for vidcards, and sometimes i get bluescreens on bootup and know its because of the MX400 because if i disable the device everything works fine. can't really tell what the BSOD is because it flashes too quickly.

My system specs are
AMD-64 -2800+
Gigabyte k8ns mobo
512 geil ram
4x 80 gig HDD
16X DVD burner
ASUS geforceFX 5950 ultra (forceware driver 66.93)
Unknown Geforce MX400 (forceware drivers 66.93)

I also have a FX5200 PCI card coming but still not sure what the problem is with my current setup should i try to get it to work or is it obvious there are hardware conflicts and just get the FX5200. And also i'm runinng 2x PSU's could it be i'm not giving my system enough juice? after all they arn't expensive PSU's 400W and 250W. Is that enough ?

Any help or ideas please ?

Kyle   2004-11-30 00:11
I don't know if it is the same problem I am having but I recently installed the latest Nvidia drivers and now my pci nvidia geforce fx5200 doesn't work anymore. So I rolled back the drivers to the 66.73 drivers and it worked again. Try that if you think it is similar to your problem.
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Asus FX5950 and Geforce MX400 problems

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