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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> 2 Parhelias possible?
GregD   2004-11-26 06:07

I already have a 256MB Parhelia on AGP... would I be able to purchase the PCI version and have 4x DVI monitors? Would it slow the PC down much?

I have a 3GHZ Intel 1GB ram.

ECarlson   2004-11-26 06:22
I would think so, and I don't know why it would slow down the computer.

- Eric,
ECarlson   2004-11-26 06:23
Maybe I didn't state that clearly: There's no reason it should slow down the computer.

- Eric,
GregD   2004-11-26 06:55
Excellent.. ill mail matrox about it just in case.. just wondering do you think there would be driver conflicts if it had to use the same driver?

ECarlson   2004-11-26 14:34
I don't know about driver conflicts with Matrox. With NVidia, it is an advantage to use the same driver for both cards (same driver = no driver conflicts), so I would hope it would also be an advantage with the Matrox cards.

- Eric,
Slackmaster K   2005-02-15 17:46
Dunno if it helps, probably too late anyway, but I'm running three ATI cards (two Radeons), had no problems running Catalyst on all three.
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> 2 Parhelias possible?

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