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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Which Dual DVI AGP card with Portrait (Pivot Pro Not Working)?
Curless   2004-11-27 14:51
I currently have a Matrox Parhelia 128 AGP with Dual DVI running two 19" LCDs for 2D work and Video output. I want to be able to run in portrait mode and have tried Pivot Pro. What a mess! They say they support Parhelia but not Dual Monitor and won't.

Matrox does not support Portrait either.

My question is what medium priced AGP (Nvidia?) cards are available for 2D AND Video (No gaming) without spending $300+?

Anything wrong with XFX cards? Thanks for any help?

Love my Dual Monitor 19 LCDs
ECarlson   2004-11-27 15:41
If you're not doing gaming, then get the cheapest NVidia dual-DVI card you can get that supports the dual resolution you want. The NVidia software already supports portrait mode on dual monitors, without any other software needed.

The cheapest NVidia Dual-DVI AGP card at NewEgg at the moment appears to be $240 (They've had cards under $150 in the past), which is probably way more power than you need, but it does support 1600x1200 dual digital.

- Eric,
ECarlson   2004-11-27 15:44
OOPS, don't quote me on the digital resolution, it might be different. The resolution was for the Matrox card, but the price was for the NVidia card.

- Eric,
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Which Dual DVI AGP card with Portrait (Pivot Pro Not Working)?

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