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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Moving the secondary monitors taskbar
Skizo   2004-11-28 08:12
Today I was re-doing my entire desktop and decided to move the taskbar to the top of the screen. This was no problem since it just requires dragging it but, is it possible to move the taskbar that's on my second monitor up there as well?
Blue Ivy   2007-06-19 21:49

I was searching through the forujms for an answer to my question and cam eacross this one.

I have exactly the same problem.

My task bar on my primary monitor is at the right hand side (I have a widescreen monitor). The taskbar on my secondary monitor is also at the right hand side, HOWEVER I'd like to move it to the bottom of the window (this was the way it was setup before I rebuilt my machine yesterday).

I have tried to drag and drop the secondary monitor taskbar (after unticking 'Lock Taskbar') however it won't move.

Anyway to make the taskbar move?
Blue Ivy   2007-06-19 21:52
Hi again ...

Within twoi minutes I found the solution even though I had been searching for about an hour.

For anybody else who has this problem, you drag the Ultramon task bar using the bottom right hand corner ands move it that way. You can't just click it anywhere and drag it.

As Homer would say DOH!
Jack   2007-07-18 13:41
This drove me nuts for 20 minutes because I didnt know to drag it from the bottom.... thanks for the tip
Colin   2009-01-06 04:03
Thank you very much. This hint really saved me hours of frustration.
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Moving the secondary monitors taskbar

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