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Forums -> VideoSaver -> I cant play Windows Media Video (WMV)
Tashi   2004-11-28 12:47
whenever i try to play a WMV file with videosaver it freezes and i have to open windows task manager and close it manually. any idea why this happens?
Christian Studer   2004-11-29 03:30
WMV files should work fine, what happens if you play the same file in Windows Media Player?

Please note that VideoSaver doesn't support protected WMV files, but the file should just get skipped, and VideoSaver shouldn't hang.

Christian Studer -
Hct   2006-03-21 20:07
I had downloaded some WMV file at but they had protected. What shoud I do to open it. Thank!
Christian Studer   2006-03-22 10:35
VideoSaver can't play protected WMV files, unfortunately there is no workaround for this.

Christian Studer -
Forums -> VideoSaver -> I cant play Windows Media Video (WMV)

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