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Forums -> VideoSaver -> Can't save playlist
Michael Hampton   2004-11-30 02:24
Just installed Videosaver to try it out, but I it won't let me save the playlist. I've tried in my documents directory, as well as other places. Keep getting this error:

Couldn't save the playlist. If this problem persists, go to Add/Remove Programs and repair VideoSaver.

I've installed and re-installed and still the same problem. I am an administrator on this machine.

Any ideas?

Michael Hampton
Christian Studer   2004-11-30 03:33
This could happen if one of the VideoSaver components hasn't been properly registered during installation.

Please run regedit.exe and check if the following registry key exists:


If it doesn't exist, try repairing or reinstalling VideoSaver again.

If the key exists, select it, then choose File\Export from the menu and save it to a file. Please e-mail the .reg file to, or post the contents here.

Christian Studer -
Michael Hampton   2004-11-30 04:59
Found that key down in

Saved that section, edited it and reimported where you said it should be. Looks like it's working now.



Michael Hampton
Jeff   2007-03-29 18:22
I am encountering the same problem with Windows Vista Ultimate. However, the registry keys do appear to be present.

Anyone else having this issue?
Christian Studer   2007-03-30 10:35
Editing the playlist may crash VideoSaver on Vista, I'm going to address this in a future update.

Christian Studer -
Christian Studer   2007-04-06 11:57
Update: I just tested with the final version of Vista, this is no longer an issue.

Jeff, have you already tried repairing the VideoSaver installation? You can do this via Control Panel > Programs and Features, select VideoSaver, then click on Repair.

Christian Studer -
Jeff   2007-04-09 10:42
Yes, this is still an issue. I installed the patch, then tried the repair and reinstalled the patch. Both display an error when trying to save to my C:\Users\...\Documents folder.

I have also reverified that the registry settings are in both locations listed in this forum.

I have also verified that I am an administrator on my own machine.
Shouou   2007-07-13 00:54
I still get the same error i cannot save any playlists
Shouou   2007-07-13 01:24
After a search i found it in.

Will   2007-10-18 04:12
Cants save playlists in Vista home premium. I have repaired and re installed a couple times. Registry entry is in the place indicated by the forum. Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

@="Realtime Soft VideoPlayer Playlist"

@="C:\\Program Files\\VideoSaver\\VideoPlayer.dll"
Christian Studer   2007-10-18 08:30
What's the error message you get?

Christian Studer -
Will   2007-10-18 11:47
Couldn't save the playlist. If the problem persists, go to Add/Remove Programs and repair VideoSaver.
Christian Studer   2007-10-19 10:14
I'm not sure why you would get this error, the registry data looks okay, but it might be worth a try to install VideoSaver for all users instead of only the current user.

To do this, first uninstall VideoSaver, then open a command prompt and run the following command:

msiexec /i <msifile> ALLUSERS=1

For example: msiexec /i C:\Temp\VideoSaver31.msi ALLUSERS=1

Christian Studer -
Mike Brooker   2007-12-10 18:23
I too was having the same problem IE Can't save followed by a crash ( I'm using Vista Home Ult.)

Followed the steps in the previous post

msiexec /i C:\Temp\VideoSaver31.msi ALLUSERS=1"

and then ran the vista patch.

All is well now, Looks good
Forums -> VideoSaver -> Can't save playlist

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