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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Play with dual monitor
Jonald   2004-12-02 03:29
My grapgic driver is sapphire x800pro and I have 19" and 17" monitors in my computer. How can I play games in both monitors at the same time?
Christian Studer   2004-12-03 02:59
Seems unlikely that this would work, most games only run on the primary monitor, and usually you can't move the mouse out of the game without getting out of the game with ALT+TAB.

Christian Studer -
Seahorse   2004-12-03 04:05
If you use the ATI version of nViedias Span you can. See the ATI website for how to activate. I'm using nVidia, so I cannot be more specific...

Dead-Fish.Com Deep sea Daddies...
Christian Studer   2004-12-03 04:14
This won't work for running a different game on each monitor, but after reading the original post again I'm not sure if that's really what the OP is trying to do...

Christian Studer -
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Play with dual monitor

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