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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Can UltraMon force all aplications to open on primary by default?
ReeseCup   2004-12-02 12:59
I have a Dell Latitude D600 notebook that I use a secondary monitor with, when it's docked at my desk. I love having Multi-Monitors at my desk, but Windows XP typically remember's which monitor a program was on when it gets closed and opens the application back up on that same monitor the next time it's started. (unless the system is un-docked and there's only one montor)

I'm looking for a program to override this XP functionality and always open all programs on the primary monitor by default.

Will UltraMon accomplish this for me?
Christian Studer   2004-12-03 04:12
UltraMon currently doesn't support this, this feature is being considered for UltraMon 3.

Christian Studer -
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Can UltraMon force all aplications to open on primary by default?

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