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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Cannot turn on extended desktop
KayJay   2004-12-04 10:02
I have a GeForce FX5200 gfx on an XP machine. The gfx has a TV-out and I used to be able to use DualView and clone and so on. I used my TV to show fullscreen video, leaving the desktop visible on the main monitor.

However, after I recently re-installed XP, I cannot use those modes any more. I can still switch between TV and monitor but only 1 at a time. If I disconnect the monitor, I get the whole boot sequence and windows on the TV. I used to be abler to see the boot-up on the TV as well as the monitor at the same time.

In my device manager I see my current monitor listed as AOC LM720 (I installed the 'driver' for it) but there used to be 2 additional 'unnamed' monitors on that list as well.

I have a second PC where I also installed the same copy of XP Pro in the same way and it sjows 3 monitors in the device manager.

I have tried different Nvidia driver versions and also the driver I got with my card but it makes no difference and since the driver recognizes my TV, it doesn't seem to be a driver problem.

Can someone help me with this problem?
VVDOOM   2004-12-05 06:46
Iam having the exact same problem with my FX5200 only wants to use the monitor or tv 1 at a time no option for spanning or clone mode. it used to do all modes. Also windows gives no hint of it ever 2 displays being there in the settings window
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Cannot turn on extended desktop

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