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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> CAN'T play games...resolution is screwy...
Mikey   2004-12-04 18:26
Can anyone help here? EVERY game I have played for the last 5 or 6 months has had the same problem... I go to play the game, and all of the 'load' or 'menu' screens run off the lower right of the screen. Basically, this leaves me having to run my mouse off this lower right corner, and listen for a 'mouse over' click, and then hope it was the right box... The only exception so far has been 'Medal Of Honor: Pacific Assault', and the only times I have been able to get normal menus in any other game is when I am given the option for 'Safe Mode' when loading the games, then I can set it up like I want, exit, and immediately restart. This has happened with both Win2k AND WinXP(Both fresh installs), at least 2 different versions of my video drivers, and at least 2 different versions of UltraMon, which I chose for it's much more intuitive interface than Hydravision, by the way...
Here's what I have:
Radeon 9600SE
Win XP
Catalyst Drivers 4.6
19" Monitor running at 1280x1024(Primary)
15" Monitor running at 800x600

I have tried:
Running the Secondary monitor on the right(Only works if it is 'enabled', and I usually ONLY turn it on for Graphics Apps, STILL doesn't work once I launch games, though...)
Changing my desktop resolution before launching the games(I have tried everything here, what resolution do game menus usually run in?).
Physically switching which monitor was plugged into which port on the back of my video card.

None of these has worked. ONE thing that worked was disconnecting my 19" altogether, and running ONLY on the 15", but I hope everyone can see the problem with THAT scenario...

To make a long story longer, once the games themselves start, they work fine, but I can't map keys on the keyboard, or even load levels in some games, if the menus don't work...

ANY help would be GREATLY appreciated. PLEASE don't tell me that my only solution is to do away with dual monitors, I may have to jump off my roof, and since it's just a 1-story house, all I'll do is hurt myself...

Mike Wells
Christian Studer   2004-12-05 00:50
Try calibrating the monitor when the game menus are displayed (change screen width or position so that the whole screen contents are visible), most likely the game menus use a different resolution than the game itself, and the monitor isn't correctly calibrated for this resolution.

Christian Studer -
Mikey   2004-12-05 15:22
Doesn't work... I was able to see a little bit that seems to have been chopped off the top, but not the rest of the menu... I adjusted my monitor the full range of size settings available...
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> CAN'T play games...resolution is screwy...

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