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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Video Spanning
Peter   2004-12-05 02:42
I have 3 screens and want to span the dvd i am watching to all 3. I try using windows media player but it doesn't span. Power DVD says id doesn't support 3screens does anyone have a video player that will span 3 screens or know how to make is to i can?

Seahorse   2004-12-05 06:04
Depends on your graphics card setup and problems with video overlay. If you are using nVidia, 2 is easy using Hoizontal Span. 3 is trickier depending on card mix & drivers...

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Peter   2004-12-08 04:48
Greg Norris   2005-01-05 15:36
I'm using ATI Radeon 9800, and I've got 2 LCD monitors running in horizonatal stretch mode, but Power DVD 4.0 (DELL OEM), and Windows Media Player 9 will both only display in 1 screen. Is there a way I can make it display widescreen accross both monitors? Will an updated version of PowerDVD do it? (or some other DVD playback app)
Any notes, procedures, tips, links would be greatly appreciated.


UB   2005-01-06 02:22
I have a GFX6800 agp and a GFX5200 PCI with 3 22".

To span a video on the 3 monitors, I use media player classic and in the view/options/playback/output menu I select Direct Show: old renderer.

And It works perfectly.
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Video Spanning

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