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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Watching DVD on TV as secondary
AlexT   2004-12-05 03:48
I have a Geforce FX5200 with S-Video, DVI, and VGA outputs. I currently have it set as CRT primary & TV secondary using dual view. Whenever I play a movie using either PowerDVD or Realplayer it loads onto my primary which I then drag over to my secondary but the screen goes black. Sometimes I can drag it over and it plays but once I click Fullscreen it goes back to the primary then I can't drag it over. I need to do my work on the PC & have the movie playing for my girls so I can keep an eye on them. I can't have it on both monitors (which plays fine) Because I need to work.
AlexT   2004-12-05 16:50
I got it working. Here's what I did in case someone has the same problem.
Extended view/horizontal spanning CRT primary TV Secondary
So far the only software that works without a hitch is RealPlayer, PowerDVD does do so well.
Once you start the player it will automatically go full screen on the 2nd screen while playing the movie in a window now you can minimize the primary & the secondary will keep on going. That's using RealPlayer, PowerDVD will do a weird screen capture thing when you minimize so unless they have an update to correct or support this I reccomend another player.
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Watching DVD on TV as secondary

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