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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> 2x VGA and 1x tv with ati 9600
Chris   2004-12-06 04:19
I currently run 2 vga monitors on an ATI 9600. The card also has a TV out but I only seem to be able to use this if I disable the second monitor.

Is there a way to run both my monitors as normal and the TV? I would be happy with the TV playing only overlays (just want to view video really)

Will ultramon allow this?

Thanks guys
ECarlson   2004-12-06 13:48
No, but maybe somebody here knows a quick method of switching between the second monitor and the TV, if that is what you desire. The card can only generate 2 signals at one time.

I think only Matrox makes a 3-output card, and there are some 4 and 8 output cards, but they are expensive, and I think they are essentially 2 and 4 dual out cards combined into one card.

- Eric,
Chris   2004-12-06 23:32
Thanks for the help so far. Any ideas would be good but I think I will look for a new card ;-)
Tim   2004-12-07 08:16
I have the same card and can watch TV on one monitor only. ATI LAW. However, both monitors work during TV viewing. Check all your software/firmware updates.

I am poking around here because stupid ATI Hydravision dosen't support dual wallpapers. It may be petty but it's a thorn in my side.
Glen   2004-12-09 14:28
There are only 2 RAM DAC's on most standard video cards. This means the video card can only proccess two different image sets at once. That in turn means 2 outputs at a time, maximum.

The exceptions are cards such as some nvidia quattros and matrox cards both of which are very expensive.

Hope this clears it up.
Dave   2004-12-17 05:26
Could adding a PCI video card to the mix do the trick?

Your AGP could use VGA output 1 + TV out
Your PCI would be your second VGA output (2nd monitor)

Does this make sense?
Chris   2004-12-20 09:16
Thnaks for that dave,

I think thats what ill do..:-)
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> 2x VGA and 1x tv with ati 9600

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