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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Getting video to play spreaded on 2 screens
Racemaniac   2004-12-13 00:14
i got a geforce 6800 GT, with 2 screens attached

whatever i try, i can't play video on both monitors at the same time (unless i make one of them a full screen player, but then both monitors show the same)

i have been able to spread a video over both screens by turning of direct 3d hardware acceleration, but then my pc can't make a good framerate (and since it's very fast, i don't think any pc can)

is it possible? the main problem is only one of bot screens shows the video, if i drag it from one screen to the other, the screen having most of the video on it shows the video, the other one just a black rectangle....
when trying full screen, same result, primary monitor gets the video, secondary monitor goes black

when i do a horizontal span instead of a dual screen setup, same problem, only one monitor can show the video...

i have played games on both monitors at the sametime (halflife2 for example, was nice to see it was possible) so direct 3d on both screens together should be possible....
xun   2004-12-18 14:22
I have the same problem, so if anyone has the answer, please reply. thanks!
ECarlson   2004-12-18 14:53
Video plays via overlays, and overlays generally only work on one monitor at a time. As you've found, you can set your video player program to not use overlays, but display performance suffers.

- Eric,
zima   2005-01-04 05:42
You just need a card that has at least two independent hardware overlays...
I know for sure that Matrox Parhelia & P-series cards can do that; other - don't know I'm afraid
Seahorse   2005-01-05 05:53
Horizonatal span used to work just fine for videos, it was the 5x.s I think or the 4s.

Been a while since I bothered tring - I have 3 monitors, which seems to fubar that one completely...

Dead-Fish.Com Deep sea Daddies...
Philip M   2005-01-05 11:27
Have you tried another player?
Some players are designed with dual monitor support, and can allow you to put 1/2 the movie on each monitor. Stereoscopic player is the one I use, there may be a better one out there that I'm not familiar with though.
UB   2005-01-06 02:30

You should try:

- to disable "full screen device" in full screen video options of nvidia drivers.

- the horizontal span mode

- media player classic (old renderer in video output)
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Getting video to play spreaded on 2 screens

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