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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Please Help! AGP ATI AIW 7500 and PCI GeForce
Charmaine   2004-12-13 13:04
Hello this is the last place on earth where I hope I can find help. I have an AGP ATI AIW 7500 as my main card and a PCI GeForce2 MX/MX 400 as a secondary card. Everything works fine if I have the PCI set in BIOS as the "Primary VGA BIOS." But when I make the the AGP card the primary I cannot select the "Extend my Windows desktop" to the PCI card, without Windows crashing. I have updated drivers a thousand times over. On another board it said that newest drivers for the GeForce card give Windows XP the fits so install older drivers.

I have Windows XP Pro SP2

MOBO - Intel I845E/ICH4/IT8708-P4B533-E
BIOS - Award Bios, 08/06/2002
Graphic 1 ATI All-in-Wonder Raedon 7500 (AGP)
Graphic 2 NVIDIA GeForce2 MX/MX 400 (PCI)
Winblows XP SP2
ECarlson   2004-12-13 13:55
Leave PCI set as Primary in your BIOS. If it works, why would you change it?

- Eric,
Charmaine   2004-12-13 13:58
With ATI ALL-In-Wonder it has to be set to the primary card or else my dvd player nor my TV tuner will work

MOBO - Intel I845E/ICH4/IT8708-P4B533-E
BIOS - Award Bios, 08/06/2002
Graphic 1 ATI All-in-Wonder Raedon 7500 (AGP)
Graphic 2 NVIDIA GeForce2 MX/MX 400 (PCI)
Winblows XP SP2
ECarlson   2004-12-14 13:40
The TV tuner won't work in a dual-card configuration anyway, so you will need a separate TV card.

- Eric,
Anon   2005-02-04 09:15
You need the right combo of ATI and NVidia drivers. Perhaps something has changed since this post is several months old, but I can confirm that ATI drivers 4.2 work with the current NVIDIA drivers, as described in this post:
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Please Help! AGP ATI AIW 7500 and PCI GeForce

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