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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> 3 monitors, 2 video cards, system auto-restarts??!
Dave   2004-12-16 13:44
Hi, I am having a problem getting 3 monitors to work on my system. The problem is a bit strange, so the post is a little long. Please bear with me....

I have an ATI 9800pro as my AGP display (running two LCDs through it). I just bought a third LCD and a Diamond video card (S80 with ATI 9200SE chipset - PCI version). Everything is plugged in correctly, and the BIOS is set as PCI primary...

When I boot up the system the motherboard splash screen is on my PCI display for about 15 seconds. Then everything switches to my AGP displays. The system boots into windows for about 10 seconds, and then the entire computer re-starts. What the heck is going on? This really shouldn't be happening. Anyone have any ideas, suggestions, answers?
Christian Studer   2004-12-17 03:30
Most likely the display driver crashes for some reason, to see the error message go to Control Panel > System > Advanced, click on Settings for Startup and Recovery, and uncheck 'Automatically restart'.

Do you have the same problem if the AGP card is set as primary in BIOS?

Christian Studer -
Dave   2004-12-17 15:19
OK, so I turned off auto-restart with PCI as primary in BIOS, and the system did the same thing it did before...EXCEPT that instead of auto-restarting, a blue-screen with the following error showed up on the PCI display that is attached to the new video card:

***STOP: 0x0000008E (0xC0000005, 0x00000000, 0xA623A0D8, 0x00000000)

When I switched to AGP primary in BIOS, the same thing happened, except that the error message appeared on my AGP display, and the error message differed in the third group inside the parentheses like so...0xA5BD98C8. The rest of the message was the same.

I don't have any other video-type settings in my bios. My MOBO is the Intel D865GBF, and I update the bios about three months ago.
Dave   2004-12-20 14:01
Hello??? Anybody out there willing to give me a hand? I am completely stumped here...
Dave   2004-12-20 16:35
Well, for anyone out there who may be faced with the same problem as I just is the solution...

With the Intel D865GBF MOBO and a primary video card in the AGP slot (Radeon 9800 pro in my case), if you want to add a secondary video card (to connect a third display), you must NOT put the second card in PCI slot 5 or 6. These two conflict with the AGP slot and cause a windows STOP error. I finally solved the problem by putting the second card (9200SE) in PCI slot 3. Along with setting the PCI card as the primary display in BIOS, this has worked for me.
Seahorse   2004-12-20 19:39
Setting the PCI as Primay in BIOS doesn't work in WinXP 64. There should be no need to have PCI as primay under WinXP (32 bit)...

Dead-Fish.Com Deep sea Daddies...
m2h   2004-12-20 23:32
My suggestion is to make sure that there is enough power getting to your system.

What kind of computer do you have? CPU, Hard drives, optical drives, etc, etc. How powerfull is your PSU? How good is your PSU?

You could check in your BIOS for the volaga levels, they could be dipping too low. Or use MotherBoard monitor to log the voltage levels when you are doing stuff, and see what they are at when the system crashes.

Computers usually reboot themselves if the power is insuffecient.
khariv   2004-12-21 14:04
I ran into the exact same problem with my work PC.
The only way I was able to resolve the problem was to hook the third monitor up to the VGA Analog port. If I plug it into the DVI port on the 9200,the system will reboot immediately - weird.

This system has a 600W high quality PS attached to it, so Im pretty sure its got plenty of power.
Dave   2004-12-21 16:26
I have a 450W Antec PSU, so that wasn't the problem. And again, I don't know why having AGP as primary causes my system not to work, but if I've learned anything with computers it is that if something works, don't screw with it! So, thanks for the help guys...but I've got the 3 monitors working just fine now for my 3D animation work, and I'm going to leave well enough alone.

Merry Christmas to all who celebrate...happy holidays to everyone else!
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> 3 monitors, 2 video cards, system auto-restarts??!

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