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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Geforce 6600 (DUAL DVI) + PCI card? (VGA + VGA + TV)
Dave   2004-12-17 05:37
I currently own a Radeon 9500 Pro.

I have two monitors hooked up to it, plus a TV (S-Video output). Like you may know, since ATI has driver limitations (or architecture limits, whatever) you can only use VGA+TV, or VGA+VGA... (Not VGA+VGA+TV)

If I add a PCI video card to the mix, do you think I will be able to do this :

Radeon 9500 : VGA+TV
Other PCI card : VGA

For a total of 3 monitors? (actually, 2 monitors + 1 television). The goal is to have two screens for desktop work, and to use the TV for videos.

Most importantly, I ordered a Geforce 6600 Dual DVI card... should this work as well?


Tantalus   2004-12-17 05:54
>>If I add a PCI video card to the mix, do you think I will be able to do this :

Radeon 9500 : VGA+TV
Other PCI card : VGA

Yes...this will work. however if you want to run a spanned desktop (across both monitors) buy a PCI a TV card instead.

>Most importantly, I ordered a Geforce 6600 Dual DVI card... should this work as well?

assuming you are keeping the radeon 9500 to drive the TV, the nvidia needs to be PCI.
Dave   2004-12-17 07:08
Hi Tantalus,

My post wasn't very clear, i'm sorry.

I bought a Geforce 6600 GT AGP to replace the aging Radeon 9500. They both seem to have similar features i.e. two VGA outputs + TV-Out.

So I will end up like this :

Geforce 6600 AGP : VGA monitor 1 + TV-Out
Old ATI Rage IIc (PCI) : VGA monitor 2

I probably won't be spanning the desktop. I'm basically going to browse the web on VGA 1 (Geforce 6600), watch videos/MP3 on TV (Geforce 6600) and manage my files on VGA 2 (that's where the ATI Rage PCI comes in.)

w00t! :-)
Tantalus   2004-12-17 13:09
>>Geforce 6600 AGP : VGA monitor 1 + TV-Out
Old ATI Rage IIc (PCI) : VGA monitor 2

yep, that should work.
ECarlson   2004-12-17 15:27
Of Course, the ancient Rage card has to be set as Primary in BIOS, but it should still do the job.

- Eric,
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Geforce 6600 (DUAL DVI) + PCI card? (VGA + VGA + TV)

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