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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> 6600GTAGP not playing well with others.
Smaulz   2004-12-17 16:09
Didn't want to hijack the other thread going, so I thought I'd post this here, too. Installed a 6600GT AGP, and it works great. Added a 5200PCI and the whole works blows up. I can sort of get the 5200 to work if I set PCI as primary, but it 'infinite loops' on me pretty often, while the AGP doesn't work at all. If I set the AGP as primary, it crashes on starup with an infinite loop. I think the drivers that came with the card are 66** series, but I can't use anything older since they don't cover the 6600 cards. I've tried all possible combination of BIOS settings, and have even gone so far as re-installing WinXP. Any ideas at all would be HUGELY appreciated.

By the way, I had the same setup working great with a ParheliaAGP and 2x Matrox G450PCI's. The NVIDIA's just don't want to work no matter what. I really don't want to give up my third monitor just so I can game a little, but I'm getting really fed up messing with it.
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> 6600GTAGP not playing well with others.

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