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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Multiple Mon. and Gaming
Berry West   2001-04-24 22:56
Question, currently I am running a PIII 866 224 mb ram and alot of other junk, anyways .. I have Four video cards installed the main card is an ATI All in Wonder 8 mb that jumps out to a Quantum VooDoo II 24 mb accelerator that goes to my main monitor. The other cards are ATI pci and a ATI AGP. That way I can run three monitors. Everything works great. But I want to know if I can replace the ATI All in Wonder and the Quantum with one card that will give me the graphics that I want for my games. ( Unreal Tour. and such ) I really don't care about having the TV ability anymore. Any help or suggestions would be great
Berry West   2001-04-24 23:04
Also - What is the best Gaming card tht will work with multiple monitor support ?? cost is no object
Brian Ricks   2001-04-25 14:29
well if you have a second video card installed, you can use most any card for your primary adapter. I'd recommend the Geforce2 GTS or Ultra. The Geforce3 is really awesome, but by the time a game is released that takes advantage of it, the price will be alot cheaper than the $600 pricetage currently on it.

Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Multiple Mon. and Gaming

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