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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> 2 Monitors side by side - is it OK to be touching?
Rossco   2004-12-19 20:21
Hi all,
I just wanted to know from others whether it is OK to have the monitors sight next to each other?

Touching in fact!

I have 2 Sony Trinitron G420, 19" monitors, less than 3 years old.

Thanks in advance
kind regards
ECarlson   2004-12-20 03:33
Yes, mine are. Sometimes you have to match or adjust the refresh rates of the 2 monitors so they don't interfere with each other, but mine are fine with both set at 1024x768 @85.hz.

The only other concern is that the monitors still have adequate airflow, which shouldn't be a problem, unless you have them in some sort of cabinet.

- Eric,
Seahorse   2004-12-20 06:51
All 3 of mine do. No probs as shown herehere...

Dead-Fish.Com Deep sea Daddies...
Rossco   2004-12-20 07:31
Thanks Mike/Eric

much appreciated. Now all I have to do is try and figure out why one of my monitors flickers when minimising / maximising white/bright windows.

I know Eric said that it can be common, but I am trying to figure out why this has started happening in the first place?

Forums -> Multiple monitors -> 2 Monitors side by side - is it OK to be touching?

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