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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> fs2004 multidisplay with radeon 9600 agp + radeon 9200 pci ?
Max   2004-12-26 20:28
Did anyone tried the above configuration ?

Does it works ? I did and it freezes randomly,
without any clue, sometimes with high graphics
details, sometimes without, while with
windows desktop it works fine.

Tnx for answers.

Termlk   2004-12-31 13:41
I have a 9600 Pro and a 9100. FS2004 works fine under XP SP2
Max   2004-12-31 20:40
Hi, I did perform some tests with lowest resolution and details level possible and
it seems to run well.... I guess I will
have to try steps increases in order to
find the most working resolution.
what do you run it ? me 800x600x16 gave
no problem (on an a7v600/xp3200+/1gbram)



(sorry everyone for the slight OT)
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> fs2004 multidisplay with radeon 9600 agp + radeon 9200 pci ?

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