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Forums -> UltraMon™ SDK -> Monitors power management
Dimitar Pankov   2004-12-27 14:32
Is it possible to put only single monitor of a multi-monitor system into standby?
In my case I'm talking about a dual-head videocard GeForce4 Ti4200.
Is this accomplishable only with changing something with PowerStrip? Something like frequencies or scan rates?
Christian Studer   2004-12-28 02:10
UltraMon currently doesn't support this, I'm also not sure if it is actually possible, I'm going to look into this again for UltraMon 3.

Christian Studer -
Dimitar Pankov   2005-02-07 11:23
did you find some time to look into this problem? Is there hope that such a thing can be implemented in UltraMon? If the answer to the second question is no do you feel like sharing your findings on the problem so someone else can try to do it if it's not that hard
Christian Studer   2005-02-07 20:00
I haven't looked into this yet, will do this for one of the later betas.

Christian Studer -
Forums -> UltraMon™ SDK -> Monitors power management

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