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Forums -> UltraMon™ -> Can I chage the button face in title bar
LearHsieh   2004-12-28 19:54
If I enable window managment feature, there will be two buttons in title bar, it has standard outlook. But may I change it and instead of my own icon or bitmap file?

Christian Studer   2004-12-29 03:23
Changing the button symbol is possible, but the background can't be changed, UltraMon will always use the background defined by the current theme.

See UltraMon Help > Customization > Creating custom window buttons for more information.

Let me know if you have any further questions about this.

Christian Studer -
Ty   2005-01-30 18:00
After reading the help file on this i am completely baffled, i thought i followed it correctly but to know avail. Could you elaborate a little more i'm simply trying to make the title bar buttons black all the time so they match the rest of my current theme. Thanks

Christian Studer   2005-01-30 20:08
To change the color of the button symbol, just replace the default color (white) with the desired color.

Changing the button itself is not supported. UltraMon draws the button by drawing the standard button defined by the theme, then draws the button symbol on top of this.

With some themes this doesn't work well, because the theme has no standard, blank button defined. There is currently no workaround for this.

Christian Studer -
Petter   2011-05-11 02:24
Is this feature still availeble in current version (3.1.0)? Couldn't find the "Creating custom window buttons" under the customization tab?
Christian Studer   2011-05-11 09:17
Version 3 no longer supports this officially, but you could change the button symbols by editing UltraMonResButtons.dll with a resource editor. The file is in the UltraMon installation folder, C:\Program Files\UltraMon.

Christian Studer -
Forums -> UltraMon™ -> Can I chage the button face in title bar

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