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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> New to Dual monitor, a few questions
Pat   2004-12-29 02:22
Hi All,

I decided I needed more monitor space, so I picked up a second monitor. I have a Dell 2001FP and the Dell 2005FPW. My video card is the nVidia 6800 Ultra.

1) Having one widescreen and one 4:3 is not an issue is it?

2) How would I set this up? Is it just plug the second monitor in and nVidia will do the rest?

3) Can I have different resolutions on each monitor? (since one is WS and the otehr is not)

4) Will I be able to play a game on my primary monitor and do other things in the secondary monitor at the same time? If so, will I still have to alt-tab out?

5) I plan on trying UltraMon, but I am unsure if I need it, or if the nView will do all that I need.

Thank you very much for your help!
Tantalus   2004-12-29 07:57

>1) Having one widescreen and one 4:3 is not an issue is it?

nope, no're bsaically bound to whatever resolution the card supports on display #2

>2) How would I set this up? Is it just plug the second monitor in and nVidia will do the rest?

go to display properties, click on #2 and enable the 'Extended desktop to this display'

>3) Can I have different resolutions on each monitor? (since one is WS and the otehr is not)

yes...see #1

>4) Will I be able to play a game on my primary monitor and do other things in the secondary monitor at the same time? If so, will I still have to alt-tab out?

depends on the software...some apps may only display to the primary

>5) I plan on trying UltraMon, but I am unsure if I need it, or if the nView will do all that I need.

ultramon is a great product and has some special features but for what you're describing, you don't need it.
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> New to Dual monitor, a few questions

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