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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> mouse between 2 monitors...pleaaase help...
scott   2005-01-01 15:01
hey all, thanks in advance for reading and/or helping...i had ultramon about a year ago, and was running dual monitors then, till the second monitor i bought for 20 bucks died...anyway, im back to dual monitors again, and my only problem thus far is that i cannot get the mouse to cross over to the left monitor, as i have the monitor that is on my right as the primary monitor...basically, how do i get the mouse to cross over to BOTH desktops as if it were one GIANT desktop...hope this makes sense!
thanks again.
Christian Studer   2005-01-02 01:48
You'll need to change the monitor arrangement in Display Properties > Settings.

Once the monitors are correctly arranged, you'll be able to move the mouse from left to right across the whole desktop.

Christian Studer -
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> mouse between 2 monitors...pleaaase help...

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