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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> New Radeon VE drivers
Norman Brooks   2001-04-26 21:04
Recent release of D7.53-010409X-308E ( drivers for Radeon VE

Radeon VE beta driver


Instructions for install won't work very well. Try these:

1. Download drivers for Radeon and the new version 7.1 Multimedia center
2. Unzip driver files into work dir.
3. Uninstall Hydra Vision .. do not reboot
4. uninstall Multi Media Center .. reboot.
5. Install beta drivers. ... reboot
6. Install Hydra Vision from CD using CUSTOM install ,, install ONLY the
Hydra Vision program .. reboot
7. Run Multi Media 7.1 install .. reboot.
8. Setup multi monitor.
9. Install DVD player from CD if required.

Much better control of application position and control in new beta release.
DVD player will run on either monitor now.

Norman Brooks
Aleksandar Vestica   2001-06-08 21:26
Finally, this is working stable and fine under
W2k for me for the first time with your step-by-step description. THANK YOU VERY MUCH !

Only one thing is killing me ...

I have put up a panning screen, but I can't change the Resolution extra for each Monitor !

At the Moment I have to run the LCD + CTR at
2048x786, so I can pan from one Monitor to the

Monitor 1 = 15" LCD 1024x786;
Monitor 2 = 19" CRT 1600x1280;

At the Panel "Multi-Monitor" both Monitors are "ON", and the Resolution is 1024x786. If I choose a higher Resolution, I have to scroll arround, because the Deskop is bigger, but the Base Resolution is still 1024x786 (=the Resolution of the "smallest" Monitor) !

Any way or hint how to change the Resolution for each Monitor extra (in W2k) ?

Thanks for your help and time.

Regards, Aleks.

Aleksandar Vestica
UNIX SystAdmin,
Peter   2001-06-13 04:07
To my knowledge (And I did a hell of a lot of research on this, cause I wanted a Radeon VE), it is impossible to change (ie have 2 different resolutions) the resolutions of the two monitors in W2k. This is because W2k sees the Radeon as a single card and sets it to display at 1600*600 for example ((2*800)*600), as it just stretches out the desktop.

This was the main reason why I didn't get a Radeon VE. If they ever do manage to resolve this (apparently a W2k issue and not ATi's fault), let me know!
Kristian   2001-06-13 11:41
Well it can't be too impossible to have seperate resolutions in Windows 2000 if Matrox was able to do it.
Aleksandar Vestica   2001-06-17 02:39
I got in contact with Microsoft. It's a W2k fault. This is not going to change until SP3.

At the moment I changed the 2nd Monitor to a 17",
So I run a 19" + a 17" at 1240x1024 @16bit with my 32 MB VE Radeon VE ...

I just test the same thing under Linux (SuSE v7.2 for x86) and is FLYING ! Also different Screen Resolutions are possible. The only think I need under W2K is Outlook, so I start VMWARE to emulate W2K under Linux, and forget about running Microsoft Dump on the Machine.

Will keep you informed about my Experience with Radeon VE and SuSE Linux ...
