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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> buying a second graphics card
Sunil Gupta   2005-01-03 14:58
I'm in the process of setting up two monitors for my computer. I know what to do if I replace my current card, which is to get one with two outputs. However, if I decided to just buy an additional card, does that card have to be at a high performance level like my main card, or can it be low-level? In other words, is the second card doing high-intensity graphics processing or just displaying something given to it?

Also, can one use the tv out (s-video output) to connect a second monitor using some type of converter?

Sunil Gupta
Christian Studer   2005-01-05 03:01
The second video card does its own processing (with a few exceptions), you should get a card which can handle the applications you want to run on it.

Most video card-intensive applications (games, 3D) usually only run on the primary monitor though, so you shouldn't have any problems using a slower card for the secondary monitor.

Christian Studer -
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> buying a second graphics card

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